Picture Calls
May 14th, 2008
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
fotoLibra’s Picture Calls are unique, a wonderful way for buyers to see our range and quality, and for our members to see what’s selling right at this moment.
Jacqui Norman has just sent out a Picture Call for people and places in
- Peterborough
- Wisbech
- Boston
- Grantham
So far we’ve had 25 entries.
Two are photographs of Lincoln.
Two are of colleges in Cambridge.
Two more are captioned “OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA”.
Five images are marked as Royalty Free.
Jacqui wrote in her circular email “Royalty Free images are not put forward to the client for Picture Calls.”
That’s 15 out of 25 that are eligible for the Picture Call, and that we can show to the client.
Jacqui has asked me how she can make the requirements any clearer.
I have no answer. Can anyone help?
I’d alert the “stupid police”….
Maybe one can modify image form so that when you select a photo call for the image, if this image is marked as royalty free, a warning/error message appear, disabling the user to select the photo call until the license is correct.
it is not the sort of design I usually advise or do, but in this case it is probably justified. It would basically behave as if one forgot to fill in a required field in a form, which is, actually, the case.
Hope this helps