A big fotoLibra welcome to Richard and Francesca Sadd, who have joined us on the fotoLibra sales team. Richard is targeting advertising agencies, while Chessy is gunning for the magazine sector. So if you work in those areas, watch out! You’ll be hearing from them.

Where have I been for the past 7/8 weeks?. Not like me not to spot a beautiful girl. Not that I’d have any chance, with a handsome new Frenchman on the FL team, being 66, married, incredibly ugly and an idiot to boot. Actually I’m the wife’s idiot to boot. Painful.
To be serious, good luck Richard and Francesca(Chessy?). Anything you can do to get a few sales winging my way would be very gratefully received. I’m not holding my breath though. Just don’t let Gwyn bully you, I hear he’s a tyrant.