Welcome to Damien
August 21st, 2008
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
We’ve been looking for good staff (we’re ALWAYS looking for good staff) and when we advertised for a LAMP developer recently (see earlier blog posting) we were inundated with calls from agents, despite the ads clearly stating NO AGENTS.
So I was quite pleased when one called this morning. I told him “We’ve already employed someone; thank you for ignoring our request and calling. We found him through Gumtree.”
He was scathing. “What, has he just walked off the boat?”
“Actually, yes he has,” I grinned. He’s French, with a Master’s degree in computing. And in the forty minute test Neil set for all the applicants, Damien wrote by far the most elegant and economical code.
So we’re happy, and we hope he’ll be happy. The only downside I can see is that he got his new computer today and horror of horrors, it’s running Windows Vista. Ach-y-fi.
Hi Damien. I’m glad you’ve got the job. I contemplated applying for the job myself, but not knowing what on earth a lamp developer was, decided not to. I find switching my desk lamp on and off taxes my technological abilities. A real quill pen and ledger man me. Drawing these photos is damned hard work.
Hope all goes well for you at FL.