Adobe CS4 Pricing
September 23rd, 2008
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
Software giant Adobe has just announced Creative Suite 4, upgrades to Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign, Flash, Ilustrator etc. It’s a phenomenally complex and capable package, and for a digital online picture library like fotoLibra it’s as crucial as a power supply.
The upgrade costs $599, so cynically I expected the British version to be priced at £599.
Oops — I was wrong. The British version sells for £605.
$599 at today’s exchange rate is £323.50. Take away the VAT and the British version (excluding tax) is priced at £515.
That is 63% more expensive than the US upgrade.
So we in Britain pay £191.50 more for exactly the same product. That’s $354.60.
Why are you ripping us off, Adobe? I cannot think of a single justifiable reason other than corporate greed and the cynical exploitation of a captive market. I think I’d admire the company more if it simply admitted “Because we can,” but it will hide behind mealy-mouthed clouded obfuscations of market penetration and market forces.
Why is there only one Monopolies Commission?