fotoLibra DND & Checker 2.1 Released
February 13th, 2009
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
There’s a radical new version of the useful fotoLibra DND application released today.
It has all the functionality of the previous easy drag ‘n’ drop upload facility, but with the added bonus of checking every file to ensure it meets fotoLibra’s stringent Submission Guidelines.
Up till now, we allowed you to upload anything to fotoLibra, because only after we’d received it and looked at it could we tell if the file met our standards.
Now DND 2.1 allows fotoLibra members to check their files before going through the long and disheartening process of uploading files and being told an hour later that they have been rejected because they’re not 300 ppi (the most common cause).
We hope you like it. Please let us know what you think.
A behind the scenes note: because this is such a radical step forward I wanted to call it fotoLibra DND v.3.0, but the developers argued against it. This is what they said:
We believe it is DND2.0 with a big new feature. We know that the version number has a psychological impact on people, but as software engineers we follow the rule: major version number increases if and only if a fundamental and structural evolution has occurred. We have not re-designed it. We have updated and extended the earlier great job. Which is why we only recommend increasing what we refer to as the “minor” version number.
If you believe it’s got to be called 3.0, we will rebuild it.
We have spent some time on packaging it, most of the time compiling and building the core software (with support for JPEG, colour, etc) because the binaries provided are not suitable for the average user (and that’s the reason why it is much bigger now).
Faced with such logic (they are technical folk, after all) I capitulated and agreed that it’s to be called fotoLibra DND & Checker Version 2.1.
I commend it to you.
I am very new to fotolibra, I only have only two images posted in photo call. I just want to say that your fotoLibra DND and checker is a very worthwhile iniative and it is very helpful to know that when you pass your image through it, it will tell you almost instantly if it meets your requirements in size and ppi resolution (300) in your requirement. Thank you for this little gizmo. A job well done.
Have you thought of giving a ‘download’ to enable a single ‘click’ in Applications to open the ‘fotoLIBRA’ site without me having to open my email to find one of your email WANTS to be able to open the program?
I do have the DND and Checker in applications but not the full program.