November 5th, 2009
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
99% of our Support queries ask “How do I make my pictures 300 ppi?”
Well here is the answer, but this morning we had a support query of a different nature:
I am trying to trace Rock Hardplace, who was a friend of mine in New York 40 years ago and on doing a yahoo search found some photos by him on your site – when I knew him he was a budding fashion photographer. I don’t expect you to give out personal information, but is there a way I could track him down through you?
Fifi L’Amour
Well, we don’t disclose our members’ contact details, but of course we’re more than happy to forward emails, especially ones like this.
I hope it’s a nice surprise. Maybe it’s an invitation to the triplets’ 40th birthday celebrations?
Of course, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.