March 5th, 2008by admin
Welcome to the fotoLibra Pro blog, covering subjects related to fotoLibra and the business of selling images. It is written by any fotoLibra staffer, but probably mostly by fotoLibra’s founder, Gwyn Headley. Participation is welcomed and debate is encouraged. This is not a substitute for Jacqui Norman’s Picture Calls and Newsletters, although from time to time the blog may amplify and explore aspects of those mailings.
Hi Gwynn
It is late on a Wednesday night ( Nov 23) and yet again the Fotolibra site has ground to a halt so processing of images for your photocells has come to a frustrating halt. Is there anyway you can fix your site/server to be more reliable to encourage us photographers to submit.
Sorry about that Ron. We added a new feature which was exhaustively tested by all of us in the office but when it was released into the community and used by everybody it placed a greater load on the servers than we anticipated, slowing the site down and in your case stopping it. We’re removing the feature today and you shouldn’t suffer any more hold-ups.
Thank you. Uploaded 60 plus images today and processed them all quickly and efficiently.
sorry for the typo – I meant photocalls