10 Hot Tips For Selling Your Photographs
May 11th, 2010
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
- Pluck the low hanging fruit first by photographing the subjects people want to buy. You can indulge your hobbies later.
- Make sure people can find your photographs by keywording them well. Buyers search for words, not images.
- Put them on a busy street which professional picture buyers walk up and down. Like fotoLibra.
- Get your exposures and white balance right. Out-of-focus may be artistic or deliberate, but under- or over-exposed is just wrong.
- If you’ve taken 20 photographs of the same thing, choose only one — the best. Don’t upload all 20. You will weaken your appeal.
- But take it in portrait AND landscape. Offer empty space such as sky and sea so designers can envisage room for text.
- Got a favourite local building, tree or landscape? Take it in summer, winter, autumn and spring. Take it in storm and sunshine.
- Don’t be the same as everyone else. Be as good or better.
- Become technically proficient. Taking a photograph should be instinctive. Post processing is as, if not more, important than pressing the shutter.
- “Everyone is capable of making at least one great photograph in their life.” — Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Some really hot and very helpful TIPS. Wish I knew these before. I am always looking for tips of the kind.