Posts Tagged ‘portrait’

Gwyn Headley

by Gwyn Headley

Managing Director

fotoLibra‘s Home Page images have always been a source of joy to picture buyers and general browsers alike.
We’ve had only one lingering worry. Because computers have horizontal screens, all our chosen images had to be Landscape.

And we’ve got just as many superb Portrait images, which we couldn’t show you.

Then we thought, hey, Instagram works well on mobiles and cellphones and tablets, and people tend to hold those things in vertical mode, so why don’t we upload some of our great Portrait format images to Instagram?

Good plan, we thought, patting ourselves on our shapely backs. So here goes. The first one went up earlier this week. Because it won’t click through to the fotoLibra site, each one will be credited as follows:
“Film helicopter: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Kevin Fitzmaurice-Brown. You can licence this image and millions more through #fotoLibra”

Of course they won’t all be photos of Film helicopter: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by Kevin Fitzmaurice-Brown.  There’ll be a different picture every day, probably including one of yours at some stage. But each image will finish “You can license this image through”

So please go to Instagram, search for fotoLibrarian, and please LIKE every picture you see!

A word of comfort: each image will be small size, lo-res and watermarked so ongoing opportunities for illegal usage have been minimised.
