Posts Tagged ‘new payment for photographers’
Micro Royalties — A Clarification
January 13th, 2011
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
OK, never let it be said we don’t listen to you.
It would appear that a small majority of our members are threatening to leave fotoLibra if we pay them more money.
Blimey, I really didn’t make myself at all clear in my last blog, did I? I blame the flu.
I think people saw the word MICRO and just stopped reading. Or understanding.
This proposal has nothing whatsoever to do with cash flow. It is merely a new concept to make image buying more attractive. It may not catch on. It may even not work. But the day we stop searching for new ideas and new concepts will be the day fotoLibra subsides into being just another everyday picture library.
Here’s our reasoning. Please note, this is merely for illustrative purposes only, and none of these figures are real.
With MICROSTOCK, photographers are lucky to make 20¢ for each image sold. So they have to sell 250 images before they earn a penny because payouts aren’t triggered till they accumulate $50. And all they will ever earn from that picture sale is 20¢ per picture sold.
But with fotoLibra’s MICRO ROYALTIES proposal, photographers will be paid a portion of the net sales receipts of the book per picture used, just like an author — except of course the portion will be smaller.
They will be paid after each royalty statement, which is usually every 6 months. fotoLibra payments are triggered when the member has accumulated £30 / $50 worth of sales.
The percentage share of the Micro Royalty will be based on fotoLibra’s existing average picture sale, which is $80. We pay photographers 50% (Platinum, 60%).
On our standard licensing model, the fotoLibra photographer receives an average flat payment of $40 when a sale is made.
Under the Micro Royalty system, the idea is that if a book retails at $10 and sells 10,000 copies in 6 months, the fotoLibra photographer will receive a micro royalty of $40 — the same as our standard licensing model.
When / if the book sells 20,000 copies, the fotoLibra photographer will receive a micro royalty of $80.
When / if the book sells 100,000 copies, the fotoLibra photographer will receive a micro royalty of $400.
When / if the book sells a million copies, the fotoLibra photographer will receive a micro royalty of $4,000. Per picture sold.
On our current licensing model, if the book sells a million copies,the fotoLibra photographer receives $40.
I hope this makes it clearer. It seems like fair play to us.