Posts Tagged ‘Tenochtitlan’
Primary School Books
July 10th, 2009
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
I visited a primary school today to look through their text books to see which publishers needed to use fotoLibra.
They showed me fourteen text books published by Heinemann, Ginn, Longman, Oliver & Boyd, BBC Active, Pearson and Marshall Cavendish.
The books were largely published between 1991 and 1996, long before any of the children at the school were born. Only one of the books was published this century, in 2001.
With the exception of Marshall Cavendish, all the imprints I saw are now part of one company.
Luckily, we supply images to them.
I noticed two of the books mentioned Tenochtitlan in Mexico City. We recently sent out a picture call for images of Tenochtitlan, without any luck. We still want them!