Archive for November, 2009
Free iPhone App: Aaron’s Time Machine
November 27th, 2009
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
Tags: Aaron's Time Machine, app store, apps, iphone, iphone apps, iPod Touch, London
This isn’t strictly fotoLibra business, so I’ll simply refer you to the fotoLibrarian blog where this fantastic free offer is soberly and modestly described:
UK Politicians Not Entranced By Ebooks
November 22nd, 2009In BBC’s Question Time, recorded in affluent suburban Chorleywood, the panelists were asked if they liked the idea of ebooks.
Harriet Harman said No — you can’t lend a book you like to a friend.
Tristan Hunt said Don’t lend books — buy them! (He has just had a new book published).
Philip Hammond said No — you can’t hide behind them on the tube.
David Steele (the oldest panelist) thought the ebook was a rather good idea.
Chairman David Attenborough asked the questioner how she felt. She hated the idea.
Then he asked the audience. Amid laughter, he announced the result was that “they are not going to sell very well in Chorleywood.”
November 5th, 2009
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
99% of our Support queries ask “How do I make my pictures 300 ppi?”
Well here is the answer, but this morning we had a support query of a different nature:
I am trying to trace Rock Hardplace, who was a friend of mine in New York 40 years ago and on doing a yahoo search found some photos by him on your site – when I knew him he was a budding fashion photographer. I don’t expect you to give out personal information, but is there a way I could track him down through you?
Fifi L’Amour
Well, we don’t disclose our members’ contact details, but of course we’re more than happy to forward emails, especially ones like this.
I hope it’s a nice surprise. Maybe it’s an invitation to the triplets’ 40th birthday celebrations?
Of course, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Unpleasant comments and spam
November 4th, 2009by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
Tags: comments, nasty, postings, spam, stalker, unpleasant
We all have to live with spam, and if a blog or a site is widely read or visited, we have to accept that among its users there will be people who hold violently different opinions to the majority. Do we allow them their comments, or not?
Well we do, even when the one tired old fotoLibra Stalker, frothing over his keyboard, posts another gratuitous assault on the company he loves to hate. It’s his point of view, warped and twisted though it may be, so up it goes. If anyone is remotely interested, I’ll post the story of how many years ago a sad man flagellated himself into this state of apoplectic rage.
On the other hand, we will delete out-and-out spam and comments which have no relevance. Someone posted something like “Way – Hey! R E E E S P E E E C T!” on the BAPLA Shock Horror blog posting the other day, so as it added nothing to the debate I deleted it. Back came a resentful “So much for Open Access.” I deleted that too. If you posted those and you really want to contribute, why not say what you want to say instead of just shouting incoherently? It will be published.
I have to scan through all the spam that’s picked up by the excellent Akismet plug-in for WordPress, because something genuine might slip through. Sometimes they make me smile with their guile, but this one brought a tear to my eye:
The person can’t write English. Yet he’s offering copywriting services. Very … very … very; good … good … good — two words repeated 6 times in 33. Bad style, I’d say.
“Considerated”. Is this George W. Bush coming back to haunt us?
“For exemple”, for example.
“make that much more people”? Wrong, wrong, wrong!
I wouldn’t dream of going to Saudi Arabia and setting up as a Hafiz. What makes this guy go to the lengths of spamming something which proves he’s incompetent?
What hope! What confidence! To set up a spamming business offering something you so clearly cannot do! It’s like the fotoLibra Stalker deluding himself he’s a photographer.