Posts Tagged ‘English’
I Am Copy Editor
October 14th, 2014
by Gwyn Headley
Managing Director
Tags: American, copy editor, e-books, ebooks, English, I Am Pilgrim, Terry Hayes
During the Frankfurt Book Fair, just past, my bedtime reading was an ebook, a thriller recommended to me by Yvonne: I Am Pilgrim by Terry Hayes, whose name, bafflingly, does not appear on the cover. It’s a rollicking and undemanding read, so I recommended it to my friend and travelling companion Mike Shatzkin, who immediately bought and downloaded it.
I had been complaining of the poor editing quality of most ebooks — the Copy Editor, diligently scanning for literals, is now an extinct species in the wild — and I Am Pilgrim hits you in the first line, with a Beatles quote and a mistake:
“THERE ARE PLACES I’ll remember all my life — red square with a hot wind howling across it …”
Such a shame that people don’t seem to be bothered any more. If you know enough about style to start a chapter with the first three words in small caps, then surely you’ll know that ‘red square’ should be ‘Red Square’ — and your copy editor should be on to it like a vat of hot metal.
Mike’s version was published by Emily Bestler Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, whereas my British version was published by Transworld, owned by Penguin Random House. Entirely separate companies, one in America, one in the UK.
Nevertheless the fact that they didn’t exchange digital files for the ebook and each created their version from scratch somewhat surprises me. “Keep the change” is not a frequent phrase in my vocabulary, but this seems like a wanton waste of money.
Mike said “What’s the problem with Red Square? It looks OK to me.” And in his version — the American edition — it was.
The troubling thing for me is that the American typesetting is more correct than the British version. Here they are, so you can compare them:
Chapter One vs 1
FIRST THREE WORDS in small caps vs First three words in U/LC
space dash space vs em-dash
red square vs Red Square
8-Mile vs Eight Mile
Theatre vs Theater
burnt vs burned
Choo’s vs Choos
and I’m sure there will be examples on every page, but you get the drift.
Two nations separated by a common language, indeed.